Weekly Options contracts on BANKNIFTY Index

Based on NSE Circular, NSE will introduce weekly options contracts on Bank Nifty index from May 27.

Weekly Bank Nifty contracts will expire on the every Thursday of week. 
In case, Thursday is a trading holiday, the contracts will expire on the previous trading day.

This will increase Bank Nifty volume and more Options trading overall.

Here is snapshot of circular: 

I hope in future, NSE will allow Weekly Options Contracts for more scripts including NIFTY and other indexes.

Also NSE should consider longer duration contracts (six months or longer) for Stocks and other indexes. At the moment only NIFTY has longer duration contracts.

For Advanced Options Strategy Trading Course (NIFTY, BankNIFTY, NSE Stocks), check Training  -> Option Trading. It's 2 days workshop.


  1. Sir this change is Good for Option writers or Buyers? Regards

    1. Hi Vinod, Tjis will really help sellers.

    2. Hi Vinod ji This will help sellers who follow non directional strategies. It could b disastrous for those who donot hedge and r not able to overcome psychological barriers to applying stop loss orders

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Santosh ji
    With introduction of weekly options more Buttons need to be added to Option Oracle so that data of Far Months can be seen and downloaded
    I hope u will modify the Option Oracle accordingly

    1. Hi Binaji,

      It is already taking care of it. You might have noticed Multiple June, July. It is not showing Aug, as there is zero volume currently.

    2. Santoshji Thanks for being very prompt For BANK NIFTY there are 8 buttons ALL 2JUN 9JUN 16JUN 23JUN 30 JUN 7JUL 14JUL There r no buttons for 21jul 28julThe Option Data table has data upto 28 jul
      eg PUT 15000 28 jul LTO 147 OI 280 But no buttons for 21jul 28jul and also aug

      Please look into it and if possible add few more buttons

    3. Hi Binaji,

      Thank you for notifying. I have updated codes. You can download latest version from download link. Check lastest post for more details: http://santoshpasi.blogspot.in/2016/05/optionsoracle-nse-plugin-updates.html

  3. Please check video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P9QZm-xAH6Q

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

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